Deep Learning Exploration with AI-Ready Datasets
Deep Learning Exploration with AI-Ready Datasets#
Objective: Evaluate students’ ability to explore and implement deep learning models for their AI-ready datasets, benchmark these models against classical machine learning methods, deliver high-quality software, and analyze results critically.
1. Dataset Preparation and Exploration (10%)#
AI-Ready Data Utilization (4%): Demonstrates the use of the previously prepared AI-ready dataset effectively, ensuring consistency in preprocessing across models. The report should include a description of the input & physical meaning, their modalities, dimension.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (3%): Includes visualizations and summaries to understand data distribution, temporal/spatial features, or domain-specific nuances.
Problem Setup (3%): Clearly defines the problem (e.g., regression/classification) and aligns the data with deep learning requirements (e.g., reshaping for CNNs, sequence creation for RNNs).
2. Model Benchmarking Against CML (10%)#
Baseline Models (5%): Reports results from previous classical machine learning benchmarks (e.g., random forests, SVMs, or gradient boosting) with minimal additional work.
Performance Comparison (5%): Provides a high-level comparison of CML methods to deep learning models using relevant metrics (e.g., accuracy, RMSE, F1-score).
3. Model Architecture Exploration (35%)#
Implementation and Justification (8%): Test canonical architectures, try at least three deep learning architectures (e.g., FCN, CNN, RNN, U-Net). Justifies architecture choice based on dataset and problem type. In the report, write out the network overall architectures with the dimensions, the choice of activation functions.
Parameter Tuning (8%): Explores hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate, number of layers, filter sizes) and documents experiments systematically.
Incorporation of Physics-Informed Loss (4%): Implements physics-informed loss where appropriate, with a clear explanation of its relevance to the geoscientific problem.
Innovation and Complexity (8%): Includes innovative approaches like hybrid architectures, custom loss functions, or data augmentation specific to geoscience applications.
Exploration and Analysis (7%): Investigates losses, activation functions, and layer design, demonstrating a strong understanding of model behavior.
4. Performance Evaluation (20%)#
Quantitative Evaluation (6%): Provides comprehensive metrics for all models, including accuracy, precision, recall, F1, RMSE, or domain-specific measures. Note that multi-class classifications have precision and recall values for all classes. Write out the choice of optimizer, learning rate, and batch size.
Generalization Testing (7%): Evaluates model performance on unseen or out-of-distribution data and discusses overfitting or underfitting tendencies.
Discussion on Narrow vs. General AI (4%): Reflects on the role of the implemented models as narrow AI and contrasts this with the broader concept of general AI, tying the discussion to the problem domain and dataset.
Visualization of Results (3%): Uses visualizations like confusion matrices, ROC curves, loss vs. epoch plots, or spatial/temporal error maps.
5. Software Delivery and Code Quality (20%)#
Standard Practice for Training Neural Networks (10%):
Code is modular and organized in a single notebook for each clear section.
Clearly address the 1) data preparation with a description of training, validation, and testing data, 2) the model architecture and design, 3) the training strategies (batch size, optimizer) and show learning curves, 4) evaluation of performance and generalization.
Explores hyperparameters (e.g. model choice, training parameters) and discuss how they help training by interpretation of learning curves.
Saving Results (5%):
Saves model weights, training logs, and performance metrics to a CSV/JSON file.
Code Quality and Documentation (5%):
Follows best practices for readability, commenting, and modularity, ensuring reproducibility.
The repository README should clearly state how to run the notebooks and in which order.
6. Reporting and Interpretation (5%)#
Scientific Communication (3%): Presents results clearly and concisely in a well-structured report or notebook, with appropriate figures, tables, and explanations.
Domain Insights (2%): Discusses implications of findings for geoscience, such as physical relevance, data limitations, or potential for real-world applications.
7. Ethical and Computational Considerations (5%)#
Computational Efficiency (3%): Documents computational costs (e.g., training time, memory usage) and discusses their impact on model choice.
Ethical Considerations (2%): Reflects on ethical implications, including biases in data, transparency of model predictions, and alignment with societal goals.
Total: 100%