1.3 Jupyter Environment#

Jupyter Notebooks#

Project Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source project that aims to support interactive computing for data science and scientific computing. The project supports over 100 programming languages.

A Jupyter notebook allows you to merge text (written in Markdown, see below), images, HTML, LateX, code, and code output. It is a JSON file. The notebook is composed of cells that can be either code or text.

A Jupyter kernel is programming language-specific process that executes the code contained in a Jupyter notebook.

The cells can be run one by one. Or use the top-down menu from Run -> run all cells or Kernel -> Restart Kernel and Run All Cells

Jupyter Lab#

Jupyter Lab is an expanded version of the browser interface that includes notebooks, terminal, files (CSV, JSON etc), images, and other.

Jupyter Hub#

Is a Jupyter Lab launched by a given hardware/computer. Users may see where the computer is located in the browser address. The user may not know the type of hardware used. One exception is the selection of types of instances in public clouds.


What is Markdown?#

A simple language for text formatting.

Used for:

  • Text in Jupyter notebooks

  • Text on .md files on GitHub (e.g. README.md in a GitHub repo)

  • Text on RStudio files

Basic Markdown commands#


# Heading level 1
## Heading level 2
### Heading level 3

Paragraphs: Leave a blank line

This is my first paragraph.

This is my second paragraph.

Bold text

**This is my bold text**

Italic Text

*This is my italic text*

Bold and italic text

***This is my bold, italic text***

Scratched text

~~Scratched Text~~

Markdown supports HTML text. For instance, one can underline a text


Line break: use <br>

This is my first line.
This is my second line.

Ordered list

  1. First item

  2. Second item

  3. Third item

  4. Fourth item

Unordered list

- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Fourth item

Link URL such as the course Github


Insert images such as ../_images/GeoSMART_logo.svg, use

  <img src="glass.png" width="200"/>

LateX in the code cells


May give us this \(\sqrt{x}\).