Getting Started#

Learning Objectives#

  • Demonstrate computing skills in python & jupyter notebooks

  • Create a documented GitHub repository

  • Demonstrate skills in cloning, adding, pushing, pulling, using branches, pull requests, contributing with GitHub issues.

  • Recognize the differences between a local environment, a remote jupyter hub, the overall architecture of an HPC system and compare with a cloud system.

  • Practice installing an Python Open Source software on any linux environment

Starting from Zero.#

It is possible! The resources below are helpful to get started. It is expected in MLGeo at UW that students can demonstrate their abilities on most of the course content in the software carpentries:

Please review the software carpentries in:

  • All Lessons on Unix

  • Lessons on Git, though this will be extensively reviewed in class

  • Python: manipulate variables types including arrays and lists, for loops, if statements, create functions

  • Plotting with Matplotlib: ability to make simple plots, including subplots, labeling axis.