About the GeoSMART Use Case Library and this book on oceanography

Jupyter Book GitHub repo

About the GeoSMART Use Case Library and this book on oceanography#

The GeoSMART Jupyter Book library#

Jupyter Books include executable code. Supporting platforms include Binder, Colab and the AWS free tier.

GeoSMART supports a collection of Jupyter Books forming a digital geoscience library. Books in the library can be identified by this badge:

GeoSMART Use Case

Contributions are welcome! Taking a full scale ‘do it yourself’ approach: Create a Jupyter Book from a GeoSMART template. Contributions are also welcome on a smaller scale: Simply start that conversation by contacting the GeoSMAR organization.

Creating a Jupyter Book#

Navigate the Use Case template repository and click “use as template”. In the resulting repo: The .github folder contains github actions that will recompile the book when revisions are submitted. There is no gh-pages branch creation; this is automated.


The book is divided into two parts. The first part emphasizes scientific research concerning the upper layer of the ocean. This narrative is driven by data, specifically observational data through a variety of systems and programs.

The second part of the book is technical background: Documentation on how the first part works.